
Description of projects

The 30 Jyväskylä Summer school, 9.08.2021 – 13.08.2021, course in computational sciences “COM5: Machine learning in inverse and ill-posed problems”, see more info at

COM5: Machine learning in inverse and ill-posed problems

Zoom link for lectures:

Meeting ID: 673 5165 6441

P.: 746622

Project “Solution of time-harmonic coefficient inverse problem” (pdf file)

Project description (beamer presentation)

Project “Regularized neural networks with applications in classification problems” (beamer presentation)

Project “Principal component analysis for image processing and object orientation” (beamer presentation)

The data for the project “SOLUTION OF TIME-HARMONIC COEFFICIENT INVERSE PROBLEM” is  available for free download from the following links:

  1. Observation data for the wave speed a(x) in Test 1 with 3% additive noise, (14.2 Mb)
  2. Observation data for the wave speed a(x) in Test 2 with 3% additive noise, (26.5 Mb)
  3. Observation data for the wave speed a(x) in Test 1 with 10% additive noise, (14.2 Mb)
  4. Observation data for the wave speed a(x) in Test 2 with 10% additive noise, (26.5 Mb)

Programs for download

solution of Helmholtz equation in 2-d

The C++/PETSc code for solution of Helmholtz equation in 2-D with complex exact solution:

The C++/PETSc code for solution of Helmholtz equation with different preconditioners (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR) Code

The C++/PETSc code for solution of Helmholtz equation in 2D with computation of convergence Code

The Matlab code (Perceptron Learning and least squares algorithms) with database (*.xlsx file) for classification of Grey Seals.